Dr. Jason Gestring, DC
I wish I had known then what I know now.
As an avid high school athlete. I began experiencing lower back and right knee pain. After some urging my parents finally gave in and I started care with our local chiropractor and the results were nothing short of amazing.
My lower back pain was gone and surprisingly my knee pain was gone shortly after that. My experience inspired me to want to pursue this wonderful profession and help others regain their health without taking prescription medications.
I was fortunate to attend Life West Chiropractic College on the advice of a friend. I say fortunate because once I started to learn about chiropractic philosophy I knew I was in the right place.
A life changing event for me was traveling to El Salvador as a senior student with a group of chiropractors where we worked in different towns for a week providing care to the people. One of the men I saw everyday that week thanked me for helping him with a chronic digestive problem and on our last day he brought me a beautiful hand carved statue. This showed me the amazing power that the body has to heal itself.
Here is my mission, my purpose for doing what I do: to restore and maintain the health of as many people as possible in my lifetime, especially kids.
I have been married to my wonderful wife Sarah for eleven years. Charlotte, Emmerson and Claire, our daughters, were born at home and have never been vaccinated or been on antibiotics. ( If that sounds interesting be sure and ask me to explain.)
My hobbies are golf, studying the mind-body connection and self improvement. I also enjoy travel (I make house calls to the Caribbean), cars, and spending time with my family.
I strive to learn and be the best. I want all of my patients to rave about the quality of care I provide for them….and it’s not about back and/or neck pain. No. It is about Wellness. Chiropractic is a purpose that comes from the heart, but it takes two hearts, yours and mine. We work together as a team. Let’s begin by getting you a better, healthier quality of life while having fun in our office! Visiting a doctor doesn’t need to be a stuffy experience! Thank you for learning about me…now I look forward to learning about you!
Your health begins here!